Creation of Employment Insurance Childcare-related Benefits

ocial Insurance and Labor Insurance Procedures

The “Act for Partial Amendments to the Child and Childcare Support Act, etc.” was passed and enacted in the House of Councillors in the year 2024 (Reiwa 6).

This bill is a comprehensive piece of legislation that includes amendments to the Employment Insurance Act. As a result of the revision, two new benefits will be introduced: the “Post-birth Leave Support Benefit,” which will be provided when both parents take child-rearing leave, and the “Childcare Reduced Working Hours Benefit,” which will be provided when parents work reduced hours during the child-rearing period.

Additionally, with the establishment of the Child and Childcare Support Fund system, health insurers will include the cost of paying the Child and Childcare Support Fund (which is part of the contribution from insured individuals) in the premiums they collect from insured persons.

It is important to continue reviewing the details of these changes going forward.